Interior Design
March 19, 2024

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing Between LVT and LVP Flooring

Deciding between LVT and LVP flooring is a significant step in enhancing your home. This guide aims to simplify this choice, focusing on the unique benefits and style each option brings to your living space. Your journey to the perfect floor starts here.

Commonwealth Contractors, your ally in this process, specializes in both LVT and LVP. Our expertise ensures that your flooring choice not only matches but enhances your home's aesthetic and functional demands. Trust us to guide you to the ideal solution.

Embark on this enlightening path through our guide. With us, each step towards choosing between LVT and LVP becomes an opportunity to tailor your space to perfection. Let's explore and find the flooring that truly reflects your home's character.

LVT vs LVP: Understanding the Basics

In the realm of modern flooring, the choice between Luxury Vinyl Tile (LVT) and Luxury Vinyl Plank (LVP) is more than just a matter of taste. While both offer the resilience and versatility of luxury vinyl, their distinct looks and applications set them apart. Choosing between LVT and LVP involves understanding their differences in appearance, use, and the ambiance they create in a space.

LVT: The Tile Mimic

Luxury Vinyl Tile (LVT) has revolutionized the flooring industry, offering a versatile and practical solution that combines the beauty of natural materials with the resilience of modern technology. As a leading choice in both residential and commercial settings, LVT stands out for its ability to emulate the sophisticated appearance of stone or ceramic tiles with added durability and ease of maintenance. 

  • Appearance: LVT is designed to mimic the elegance of natural stone or the neat, classic look of ceramic tiles. Its surface can be embossed or textured for added realism.
  • Uses: Perfect for areas exposed to moisture, LVT shines in bathrooms, kitchens, and commercial spaces, offering a blend of style and practicality.
  • Variety: Available in a wide range of colors and patterns, LVT allows for creative design freedom, making it ideal for customizing room aesthetics.
  • Installation: Typically installed using a glue-down method, ensuring a secure and durable fit, especially in high-traffic areas.
  • Maintenance: Easy to clean and maintain, LVT requires only regular sweeping and damp mopping to retain its appearance.
  • Durability: Resistant to water, scratches, and stains, LVT is a robust choice for busy or wet environments, ensuring longevity and ease of use.
LVT Vs. LVP Flooring Features
The Distinguishing Features of LVT & LVP Flooring That Make Them Different

LVP: The Plank Specialist

Luxury Vinyl Plank (LVP) flooring has become increasingly popular for its remarkable ability to blend the aesthetic charm of hardwood floors with enhanced functionality and ease of maintenance. As a comprehensive solution for modern homes and businesses, LVP caters to those who love the timeless look of wood but require a more durable and moisture-resistant option. 

  • Appearance: LVP is crafted to imitate the warm and inviting look of hardwood floors. It offers the beauty of wood without the high maintenance and susceptibility to moisture.
  • Uses: Ideal for creating a cozy and elegant atmosphere, LVP is perfect for living rooms, bedrooms, and any area where a wooden aesthetic is desired.
  • Flexibility in Design: With a variety of wood-look finishes, LVP enables homeowners to achieve the look of expensive hardwoods like oak, maple, or cherry, without the high cost.
  • Comfort: Thicker than LVT, LVP is more comfortable underfoot, making it a great choice for areas where people spend a lot of time standing or walking.
  • Ease of Installation: Often employing a click-and-lock installation method, LVP can be easier to install, particularly for DIY enthusiasts.
  • Resilience: Highly durable and resistant to daily wear and tear, LVP maintains its appearance over time, even in high-traffic areas of the home.

Evaluating the Pros and Cons of Luxury Vinyl Tile (LVT)

Luxury Vinyl Tile (LVT) is a popular flooring choice, known for its aesthetic versatility and practical benefits. However, like any material, it comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Here, we explore the pros and cons of LVT to provide a balanced view for those considering it for their spaces.

The Pros & Cons of Luxury Vinyl Tile (LVT) Flooring
The Advantages & Disadvantages of Luxury Vinyl Tile (LVT) Flooring

Pros of LVT Flooring

  • Aesthetic Versatility: LVT offers a wide range of designs, mimicking natural stone and ceramic tiles with impressive accuracy. This versatility allows it to seamlessly integrate into various decor styles. The ability to choose from diverse patterns and colors means LVT can enhance any room, fulfilling both traditional and contemporary design visions.
  • Durability and Maintenance: Known for its robustness, LVT resists scratches, stains, and water, making it a durable option for high-traffic and moisture-prone areas. This durability translates to a longer lifespan and less frequent need for replacements, proving cost-effective in the long run.
  • Ease of Maintenance: LVT is incredibly easy to clean and maintain, requiring only regular sweeping and damp mopping. This low-maintenance nature makes LVT a practical choice for busy households and commercial settings.
  • Comfort and Adaptability: While thinner than some alternatives, LVT can be paired with underlayment for added comfort and insulation. This adaptability makes LVT suitable for a variety of environments, enhancing underfoot comfort and room acoustics.
  • Installation Flexibility: LVT is typically installed using a glue-down method, which provides a secure and stable flooring solution. This installation technique ensures a long-lasting fit, particularly beneficial in high-traffic commercial areas or busy home spaces.
  • Eco-Friendly Options: Many LVT options are now made with eco-friendly materials and processes, reducing their environmental impact. This makes LVT an appealing choice for environmentally conscious consumers looking for sustainable home improvement solutions.

Cons of LVT Flooring

  • Higher Cost Compared to Standard Vinyl: LVT generally comes at a higher price point than standard vinyl flooring, which can be a consideration for budget-conscious individuals. The initial investment might be higher, but it's important to weigh this against the long-term benefits and durability.
  • Artificial Appearance: Despite its ability to imitate natural materials, LVT might not fully capture the authentic look and feel of stone or wood. For purists or those seeking the genuine aesthetic of natural materials, LVT might fall short of expectations.
  • Repair and Replacement Challenges: In case of damage, LVT can be difficult to repair and often requires replacement of the entire affected area. This can potentially lead to higher maintenance costs and inconvenience in the long term.
  • Complex Removal Process: Once installed, LVT can be challenging to remove due to the adhesive used in the installation process. This might complicate renovation projects or updating flooring in the future.
  • Potential for Discoloration: LVT can be susceptible to fading or discoloration, especially when exposed to prolonged sunlight. Over time, this can lead to uneven flooring appearance, requiring careful consideration of placement and the use of UV protection.
  • Environmental Considerations: Traditional LVT is not biodegradable, posing environmental disposal concerns. This aspect might be a significant consideration for environmentally conscious homeowners, although newer eco-friendly options are mitigating this issue.

Analyzing the Pros and Cons of Luxury Vinyl Plank (LVP)

Luxury Vinyl Plank (LVP) flooring has gained popularity for its striking resemblance to hardwood and its functional benefits. As with any flooring option, it's important to weigh its advantages and disadvantages. This section explores the pros and cons of LVP, helping you make an informed decision for your space.

Pros of LVP Flooring

  • Realistic Wood Appearance: LVP is highly valued for its ability to authentically mimic various hardwood styles and finishes. This provides homeowners the luxury of a hardwood look without the associated high cost and maintenance.
  • Enhanced Durability: LVP is designed to withstand heavy foot traffic, resists scratches, stains, and water, making it a long-lasting flooring option. Its durability makes it ideal for busy households and commercial environments, ensuring a lasting, attractive floor.
  • Ease of Maintenance: Requiring minimal upkeep, LVP can be easily maintained with regular sweeping and mopping. This low-maintenance aspect is a significant advantage for those seeking a hassle-free flooring solution.
  • Comfort and Insulation: Generally thicker than LVT, LVP offers a warmer and more comfortable feel underfoot. This added comfort makes LVP a preferred choice in residential settings, particularly in living spaces and bedrooms.
  • DIY-Friendly Installation: LVP often features a click-and-lock installation method, which is easier and more suitable for DIY projects. This installation ease can lead to cost savings and greater flexibility in home renovation projects.
  • Versatility in Design: Available in a range of wood-like finishes, LVP offers diverse aesthetic options to suit various interior designs. This versatility ensures that LVP can complement a wide array of decor styles, from traditional to modern.

Cons of LVP Flooring

  • Higher Cost than Standard Vinyl: LVP tends to be slightly more expensive per square foot compared to standard vinyl or even LVT. The initial investment is higher, but this needs to be balanced against LVP's long-term benefits and aesthetic appeal.
A Cost Comparison of Flooring Choices
The Cost Differences Between Flooring Choices & How These Choices Effect A Home
  • Less Authentic than Real Wood: While LVP closely imitates hardwood, it can lack the authentic feel and texture of real wood. For enthusiasts of genuine hardwood floors, LVP may not fully meet their expectations in terms of authenticity.
  • Potential for Sunlight Damage: LVP can be susceptible to fading and discoloration with prolonged exposure to sunlight. In areas with significant sun exposure, LVP might require additional measures, like UV protection, to maintain its appearance.
  • Environmental Impact: Traditional LVP is not biodegradable, which raises concerns regarding its environmental footprint. For eco-conscious consumers, this factor might weigh heavily, although advancements in eco-friendly LVP are addressing this issue.
  • Acclimation Requirement: LVP needs to acclimate to the room’s temperature and humidity before installation, which can extend project timelines. This requirement can be a minor inconvenience, especially in time-sensitive renovation projects.
  • Replacement Limitations: In case of damage, replacing individual planks of LVP can sometimes be challenging, especially if the pattern or color has been discontinued. This could lead to the need for more extensive repairs or even a full flooring replacement in the affected area.

Making the Right Choice Between LVT and LVP Flooring 

Choosing between LVT and LVP is a decision that requires careful consideration of various factors. Your choice should not only complement your home's aesthetic but also align with your functional needs and lifestyle. Both LVT and LVP offer unique benefits that can cater to diverse preferences. 

Here are additional tips to help you make the right decision:

Tips on Choosing Flooring Material For A Home
Additional Consideration For Choosing the Right Flooring For A Home
  • Acclimation to Environment: Some types of LVP require acclimation to the room's temperature and humidity before installation. This can extend project timelines, which is a factor to consider, especially in time-sensitive renovation projects​​.
  • Impact on Home Value: While LVT and LVP are excellent for a modern and stylish look, they might not increase your home's value in the same way that natural materials like hardwood or stone do. Consider the long-term impact on your property's value when making your choice​​.
  • Subfloor Requirements: The condition of your subfloor can influence your decision. LVP, especially engineered vinyl planks, may require a lot of floor preparation if your subfloor is uneven or wavy. A glue-down installation might be necessary in such cases​​.
  • Allergen Considerations: If allergies are a concern in your household, you'll want to choose a flooring option that doesn't trap allergens. Both LVT and LVP are good in this regard, but it's essential to ensure regular cleaning to maintain a healthy indoor environment​​.
  • Room Usage and Aesthetics: Consider the function of each room. For high moisture areas like bathrooms and kitchens, LVP's waterproof nature is advantageous. If you're aiming for a luxurious look in living spaces, LVT's resemblance to natural stone or ceramic tiles could be more appealing​​​​.

Choosing Commonwealth Contractors for Your Flooring Needs

At Commonwealth Contractors, we take pride in our expertise in custom home building and renovation, including the installation of Luxury Vinyl Tile (LVT) and Luxury Vinyl Plank (LVP) flooring. Our team in Charlottesville, Virginia, is dedicated to delivering top-notch craftsmanship and intelligent design solutions. We understand the importance of creating spaces that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional and tailored to your lifestyle.

Interior Renovation Services by CommonwealthContracts
Key Features of CommonwealthContracts Impeccable Interior Renovation Services
  • Expert Craftsmanship: Our team is comprised of highly skilled professionals who specialize in delivering exceptional quality workmanship. We pride ourselves on our attention to detail, ensuring every aspect of your flooring installation is executed to perfection.
  • Custom Design Solutions: We understand that each client has unique preferences and needs. Our design services are tailored to meet your specific requirements, ensuring that your flooring choice complements the overall aesthetic of your space.
  • Wide Range of Options: At Commonwealth Contractors, we offer a diverse selection of LVT and LVP styles and finishes. This variety allows you to find the perfect match for your home's decor, from classic to contemporary designs.
  • Sustainable Practices: We are committed to sustainability and eco-friendliness in our projects. Our choice of materials and processes reflects our dedication to reducing environmental impact without compromising on quality.
  • Professional Installation: Our experienced installation team ensures a seamless and efficient flooring installation process. Whether it’s the intricacies of LVT’s glue-down method or the simplicity of LVP’s click-and-lock technique, we guarantee a flawless finish.
  • Customer-Centric Approach: At the heart of our service is a strong focus on customer satisfaction. We work closely with you throughout the project, ensuring that your vision is realized and your expectations are exceeded.


Q1. Vinyl Plank vs. Luxury Vinyl Plank: 

A1. Luxury vinyl plank, with its thicker wear layer, offers higher durability and easier replacement of individual planks.

Q2. Vinyl Tile vs. Luxury Vinyl Tile: 

A2. Luxury vinyl tile stands out with its rigid core layer, enhancing durability and maintenance ease.

Q3. Which is Better - LVT or LVP?:

A3. Both are durable and easy to care for, but LVP may edge out in durability due to its plank structure.

Q4. Is LVT Harder to Install than LVP?: 

A4..LVT can be more challenging to install due to its glue-down method, whereas LVP's floating method is generally simpler.

Q5. Is LVT or LVP More Expensive?: 

A5. LVP is slightly more expensive due to its higher quality mimicry of wood and marginally better durability.

class SampleComponent extends React.Component { 
  // using the experimental public class field syntax below. We can also attach  
  // the contextType to the current class 
  static contextType = ColorContext; 
  render() { 
    return <Button color={this.color} /> 

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